I started working at the age of 18, when I was on 3rd year of college and it was the biggest event for me because I was becoming financially independent. But it wasn't difficult for me to combine work and study, because I worked part time and remotely. You just need to find a suitable job. Now I adhere to this principle, so I quit my previous job, I ordered a resume from zipjob to find a good job that will bring me pleasure and where I will feel comfortable.
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I think that for some students, there can be negative repercussions to balancing a part-time job and school work. However, that depends on the person and their ability to focus and organize time and priorities. I think, more often though, having a full schedule can help force students to get their work done when they have time so that they can have time for work and social activities. When there is a lot of down time, it is often taken advantage of and used for resting and doing nothing. If there are short amounts of time between classes and work, then that time must be productively utilized. This can help keep the student on track, independent, and gaining experience in the work force and real world balancing act.
Hi to all have part-time jobs can’t focus more on their study because of their jobs, some part-time jobs don’t want their workers to be absent from work and a student has to go to work even if he or she has an important exam or test. Other part-time jobs don’t fit with students’ schedules which can result in the failing of their grades.
Students these days are now becoming more independent and they always want to look for extra money and, at the same time, pursue their studies. Part-time jobs teach students to become independent from their parents. They will also become more responsible and they will know how to manage their time. Having a part-time job can also give students the financial support they need and this is the main answer or solution for their increasing school fees (which increase every year). And as a student from an ordinary family, having a part-time job can be very helpful because it can greatly relieve their parents’ burdens—especially those ordinary families with several children and can’t afford to support their children’s college education.
But having a part-time job can also affect the students’ studies because they are spending a lot of their time on their jobs and they don’t have enough time for their homework, for studying their notes, and for rest or sleep. And this really affects their performance in school and other activities in school such as sports, especially for those students who can’t balance their studies and jobs well. Students that have part-time jobs can’t focus more on their study because of their jobs, some part-time jobs don’t want their workers to be absent from work and a student has to go to work even if he or she has an important exam or test. Other part-time jobs don’t fit with students’ schedules which can result in the failing of their grades.
Having a part-time job is good for all students if they will only manage their time properly without sacrificing their studies. Part-time jobs not only give support for financial needs in school because they also give experience and knowledge about the working environment. Through this, students will realize the importance of higher education and they can also appreciate their parents’ hard work in providing things for their studies. Through this, students become more responsible and can build a good character and enhance their skills on leadership and teamwork.